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Classroom Reef Aquarium at Sequoia Middle School

Posted by Staff on 3/27/2015

We are working on the plumbing now and hope to have water in it within two weeks. We have set up the AquaFX Barracuda on a counter until I decide its permanent location and the aquarium's auto top off plans. Turns out the classroom sinks have higher TDS than those in the storeroom where I had planned to run the unit. No problem! TDS around 350 taken down to 0 with 1.5x waste water which we use on rugged outdoor plants. I will learn more about adjustments and all things RODI, but the unit is great and I really appreciate your donation of this integral part of our aquarium!

I will send an update once the tank is up and running. For now, students have learned a bit about the different stages of filtration. Groups of students helped with initial setup, measured and made logs of input and output TDS, measured the flow rate of exiting water for the tank (blue line) and plants (yellow line) and figured ratios of pure water to waste water as we adjusted the waste water line with a flow restrictor. The Barracuda has already provided these great real-world learning opportunities!


Maureen Horne

Sequoia Middle School